Tuesday 15 January 2013

TAO RESPONSIVE// Brief and Initial Design

Tao Leadership is a new Business Consultancy who need a Logo and some branding ideas. They say that they need to communicate the ‘who we are’ and ‘why we do what we do’ rather than the ‘what we do’. They aim is to be seen as a more friendly and approachable business consultancy, one that will help smaller businesses and start-ups off the ground or for people who are scared of asking for help from a more corporate organisation.  No Chinese script or lettering.

I need to make a profit making business consultancy seem friendly and approachable whilst also retaining the principles of the company. I aim to use Taoism’s ‘path’ iconography, but in a newer and more decorative way. I should also go a step further than the competition probably will and design some company branded items like business cards and invoices. Like all logo’s should be, I need to make sure this one is simplified but also take into consideration the clients wishes.

These are the first set of design boards that I have submitted to the TAO Leadership brief. They pitch the concept for a text heavy logo which I think would be important for a serious business orientated consultancy. However I used Century Gothic, a sans serif typeface which would hopefully give the more serious logo a bit of a friendly and smooth side. I also edited the 'T' in TAO slightly, increasing the width of the bar so that it fitted in more suitably with the A and the O, giving the three letters more balance with each other. I also made sure that TAO was in bold whilst LEADERSHIP is at a smaller weight and set to CG normal font. This is because I want to reader to notice TAO as the identifier to the brand but also so the much longer word 'Leadership' didn't swallow up attention and put the whole design off balance hierarchically. The small squiggle is an icon representing 'the path' a central theme to Taoism, in one version of the logo this icon is also flanked by two dots, this signifies the Yin Yang sign in a more stylistic way.

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