Saturday 19 January 2013


The magazine dps is a fairly cheeky idea of mine to design a dps article about my website for creative review. The idea here is that at some point the website could theoretically gain some attention and feature in one of the leading design magazines. This would offer a huge opportunity to sell the website and generate more unique visitors.
I've mocked up this new feature for creative review called 'NSR' where every edition will feature a new site which is reviewed with a small interview of the sites designer or team. Below the header, which appears centre page, is the web address.
 Along the outer edge of the page I have placed the website header. This should generate a visual link between the site and this article. I've flipped this image on its side for demonstration.

 The article has splashes of red throughout, in this image you can see the use of different fonts in the body copy to illustrate the fundamental principles of the site (unfortunately the font zapfino was lots in this screen shot, but it still appears in the final product.

On the second page I have added a huge Type/Face logo and some images of the website in action, as well as some more body copy. The colour theme continues here as well as the overall visual style.
I believe the dps would theoretically generate the most interest in the website if it existed in reality. The target audience would be right there reading about the site and could spread the name about colleagues and perhaps students.

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