Thursday 24 January 2013


 As another piece of promotional material i have decided to design some t-shirts for the website. These could be worn by people handing out promotional material like flyers or leaflets for the site or could be worn by fans of the site after it inevitably takes off and gains cult status.
 I went for the websites white and red colour scheme for the shirts also. The logo really stands out in this colour and has real presence even at a small size like this.

Medium centralised logo design.
Large centralised logo design. This desigbn might prove to bee too much. Here I have noticed the logo colour look more like stripes unless the viewer steps back, this could work as an intersting feature of the design. 
The final t-shirt features the full poster design printed. In reality I would probably have to pay millions for the rights to the terminator image but it makes a nice mock up here. This t-shirt would be acceptable for someone promoting the website to wear, however most fashion concious designers or typographers or would-be fans of the site probably wouldn't wear this design on account of the massive Schwarzenegger heads.

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