Tuesday 15 January 2013

PRINT AND WEB// OUGD 504 Tutorials and Plan

Today I had a one on one crit with Lorraine and realised how much more work I have to do before the final crit next week and the deadline a week after that. After the crit/ tutorial I went and bought a notebook and have begun a new 7day plan that will get me to where I want to be as long as I work hard and blog harder. Firstly I have drawn up a plan of everything that I have thought of so far within this ISTD brief and added new ideas and products that I could create. I then refined this list and cut it down to a manageable amount which I have planned into my new diary for the next week.

So I have five new targets for this time next week:
-Finish Website and continue to add to it.
-Design a new poster which will act as am artwork, which attracts people to the site.
-Design a leaflet to be distributed to readers of Creative Review, targeting an audience that will be interested.
-Design some fan art inspired screen savers or desktop backgrounds for download off the site.
-Design some web ads, which will theoretically be targeted at users who would like the typography themed website by adsense.

I will also need to think about how all of this will fit into context. Will people simply want to view the site for the sake of it or does it have to have more meaning. Putting it in a show about typography, for example, would be useful. It could also be developed to be used by professionals wishing to get a certain tone out of a typeface. For example, what to have a scientific 'stephen hawking' typeface; you click on his face and receive a typeface which best suits what you are trying to say...

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