Sunday 20 January 2013

DESIGN FOR PRINT AND WEB// Web Ads for Type/Face

The best way for new websites to generate traffic is to spam people with web ads. Put them up in places where designers, typographers and graphics students hang out on the web and shove your website in their collective faces. Here are some web ads I have put together...
These web banners are based on early posters for the project and feature a similar principle to the poster. Basically two sides of each famous individual is shown, here it is Hugh Laurie, firstly as the young classically trained actor and then as the more modern character House. The typefaces that overlay his face show the same transition from classical to the more modern yet refined Bodoni. This sums up the principle of the website so if any passing internet traffic is interested hopefully they will click through.

 Here is a more political based ad, aimed at generating traffic from news sites, hence the extra content explaining the purpose of the site rather than leaving it to the user to find out as above. Here Obamas two sides are critiqued, with the text saying 'A revolutionary, sold out'. The idea is that people may agree or disagree with this statement and click on the link to find out more. The fonts are reflective of this statement also as the first is Akzidenz Grotesk and the second is Helvetica.

 I also made this side bar banner for use on pages which support this format. It is the same Hugh Laurie poster with the address and the logo above. 

 I've mocked the side bar ad into DaFont. The idea here is to pick up any student designer traffic who might be stuck on choosing the right font. They would go to the site and use it as a real resource. The ad also really fits in with the overall aesthetic of DaFont so people could think its an awesome new feature!
This mock-up shows another ad in Colors Magazine's front page. They keep ads off the top of the front page so this one is place near the bottom of the page on their 'network' tab. The idea here is to catch designers who would find the site a bit of satirical fun as well as a possible tool.

I have placed the Obama ad in a USA Today news story. This should appeal to the more politically minded and trick them into coming over to my typography site! HAHA! Seriously though it may get some interest from those looking to make protest banners, articles of there own or any other typography based publication.

The site could rally get propelled if the blogosphere gets on it, by placing ads on popular source content sites it could get picked up by big name bloggers and catapulted into infamy.

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