Saturday 19 January 2013


 So this morning I have been working on the website a fair amount, these new scamps look hastily draw (my desk is really small) but they have all the details I need to work out the dimensions of the site as I realise limitations and new features whilst continuing to design and put together the site.

This scamp shows a new layout each character spaced individually, this would take a large amount of coding and formatting...
This scamp focus's on splitting the characters up into a very simple grid, then buffering them with a boarder. There will be three images across and it will run down the page for 9 rows. After drawing up this I have decided to have a bounding box for all of the images to float in, this way the images can just float left and stack up. There will be no difference to the design about except there will be 5 columns across and 5 down making 25 characters. 

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