Sunday 3 March 2013


The plan at the moment is for me to produce the backdrop, mountains, hills and villages for the scene and for Ste to work on the front end; lake, mill, fields and trees. On monday we can then put the two together and make the whole scene.

This is the mountainous backdrop for the whole scene, Ste's Mill and town will be placed in front on monday during our next design session. This part of the scene contains 12 layers, so 12 pages in the book. The scene is viewed here through a front page window (the white area), this works as a low profile frame. So far I like the design I have produced, however I did try to mock it up in colour (as the final design will be cut out of coloured paper) and it did look quite a lot like South Park; the wrong image for fedrigoni. I think this problem can be fixed by using colour effectively, toning back the snow peaks in the mountains and roughness of the hills. 

In an effort to make the scene more 'Italian' I added some of these distinctive trees to the image, they are a tiny touch in the overal design, but they add depth and realism to the image. Little touches like this is what is going to set us apart from simular paper cut-out ideas.

Here too, I have added a small monastery town in the hills, with a medium sized church and another mill. These will add perspective and depth to the image as they appear smaller than the towns further towards the front. 

All these illustrations are directly taken from the drawings created in the design sheets and tracing book earlier. This has made it incredibly simple to create this illustration. There is only one problem however,  the design sheets did not account for scale, only content. This image will be cut out of an 6x4in area and some of the detail is very small. This could be a problem for the laser cutter, which could burn up small detail, like those found on the trees or monastery above. Hopefully we can test this before we build the final design.

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