Wednesday 29 February 2012

THE TRUTH// Design Sheets

 This time I'm working in a group, our brief to to produce something that will get people to tell the truth more. We have approached this task in quite a laid back way. It will be lead by visuals and will probably be a website where people will 'tweet a truth'. The truths will probably be fairly laid back things because people will be using twitter accounts and will not be anon but we are hoping that we would start a trend with this and hopefully draw people tot he page with some good design.
Today I drew up some design sheets with ideas for logos or page headers.

Notably on this page I have attempted to
-draw a hash-tag with TAT (Tweet A Truth) woven into it.
-Pinocchio, based on the fact he was a famous liar.
-A return (or enter) key. When you post on twitter you hit enter, here you would be hitting 'truth' symbolically.
-A simple circular design, sort of playing on Meet the Parents style circle of trust.
-A 'truth bomb' being dropped from a 'truth bomber'

On this second sheet:
-A twitter bird surfing on a 'truth missile'
-A judges hammer dishing out a truth sound??
-Truth written sideways in an exclamation mark. Sort of like entertainment televisions logo.
-Truth being phonetically shouted out of an old-school megaphone.
-Truth breaking through chains.

All very symbolical of course...

I have also reproduced these in Illustrator for your amusement:

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