Sunday 26 February 2012


During the crit I received the most positive feedback for the  Space-themed poster. I'm guessing this is because the concept of looking at rain from an astrological viewpoint is something new to a few people, whereas my other posters were all quite basic in principle and had nothing extra to give.

So in this spirit and with some ideas I picked up from the crit I have produced some space themed posters with the aim to make them look like screens from old sci-fi movie openings.

 First off I experimented with some screen and multiply layers on top of the original poster. The result of this was pretty rubbish. Here I have applied a gradient from red to black, obviously the gradient has not rendered very well leaving a weird grey/ orange in the centre.
Again messing around with no real benefit, this time using a sold red to see what effect this had on the poster. I chose the red theme because it evokes memories of  the first colour sci-fi films about 'the red planet' Mars. It also will hopefully allow this poster to stand out from the others as most are Blue because blue = water.

With this poster I finally recoloured every component. I also added a revises gradient which starts as a brownish colour and fades to an orange red and then to a near pink. This pink part is obscured by the drop/ comet shape.I also fiddled with the text colour, making the header white to jump out at the viewer against the deep read background. I also messed with the body text, changing the text to the dark brown colour and the tab to white. This layout draws a bit too much attention to the bottom right of the poster...

 To rebalance the poster I change the tab colour back to brown and then set the text to white, like before. Most importantly here I have changed what the text says; adding 'and Asteroids'. This is because I have carried out some more in depth research into the theory's of waters arrival in Earth. Although this is still one of many claims, this seems to be Nasa's viewpoint currently. As this is for a lecture I thought I should get the technicalities right. 

Finally here I made a minor change and switched the bars in the top left from brown to white. This cuts diagonally across the page with the header and frames the text nicely I think, but also fills some empty space.

 This is where the poster takes on a Budget Film feel. I spent ages messing around with various different layers, masks and textures to come up with this. Notice I cancelled the dust texture from the front-most droplet and also the top side of the tab. This was to bring the two forward, not really noticeable at a glance but I think it works.

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