Monday 20 February 2012

D&AD Brief// RAIN ON

 For this brief I am creating a series of posters, that do not have to be related, about RAIN. The brief was set by Erik Kessels for some D&AD lecture of his in Manchester.
For this first poster I am keeping things very very simple. The poster is so basic in concept but it was one of my first Ideas and I could not resist making it just to see how it would turn out.

 First stage was to make a pattern, at first I was going to make this a liner repeat pattern but I though this would miss represent the randomness of rain an may also make the poster look too tidy and the text too neat. I thought that like this the text would loose some of its shape and look more like a blur adding some speed to the image.

 I used magenta to colour the text so I could work with it easily on a confusing background, there is no aesthetic reason for the colour. I used Franklin Gothic with a 12 percent sheer as a rough guide to the formation of letters in the rain.

After deleting the text overlay I could fine tune the image to get the raindrops in my desired place. In my opinion Franklin Gothic is still clearly visible as the font which is interesting because of the randomness of the droplets.

 Finally I added some colour to the design. Obviously I chose blue but I will experiment with a few others. The poster looks fairly appropriate but it wont stand out at all at the moment as the rain is not bold and neither is the text. 

Some improvement is needed on this poster. It would work well in a very specific context, for example in the lecture but I still think it might need more content. perhaps a little tagline or a small tab coming across the page. This will all need further consideration...

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