Saturday 4 February 2012

100 Things// The Diamond Truth Flyer

The Diamond Truth Flyer is probably my favourite flyer in terms of the visuals. It takes inspiration from the previous 'Dark Side' flyer but adds the colour from the 'Diamond Truth' poster. This flyer is again about the failure of the Kimberley Process but in relation to Sierra Leone and the US. So it sort of rounds up some of the other posters and flyers and brings them together. It is a much more visual ordeal than the last one and incorporates some images and text together to entice many different viewers. The typeface that features heavily here is Franklin Gothic, and I have used all sorts of different Fonts and weights to get a wide range of styles from the text, but also so it all fits together nicely. I also used some more franchise for the numbers because it is just so sexy for numbers.

The front of this flyer is identical the the poster, it ties it directly too it and I didn't want to change the design because after the poster was printed it turned out with a really nice textured finish, something I wish to replicate with this. Also because the diamond pattern is smaller and more compact the text should be clearly visible through the pattern, but this is something to be found out later after print. I also used the tonal effect again for the same reasons.

The reverse of the flyer is pretty packed again and will hopefully provide interesting enough information to entice the reader to visit the website to find out more about the subject. It outlines the Kimberley process again as well as a quick review of the situation in Sierra Leone and finishes on a fact about the US and some pretty shady involvement, which runs up the page like the Diamonds its describing (out of thin air.)
Something I did realise was the similarity between the 'Has Failed' and an NHS logo. Which was unintentional but some may find it ironic.
One thing to note about this flyer is that the graph is strictly representational of true values; because the true values are not known. So it is designed based on known trends as the time, for example it is known that when the Kimberly process was introduced there was a shocking decline in illegal diamonds and shortly after that locals got wise and began to trade illegally again. The story is explained below the 'graph', but it does still add a nice backdrop and visualisation to the history of the diamond trade in Sierra Leone. At the end of the day the official stats are totally unknown with some reports suggesting that the vast majority od export diamonds are illegal and others (usually with links with diamond industry) suggest that the Kimberley Process keeps things under control...

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