Wednesday 1 February 2012

100 Things: Zimbabwe and Diamods Flyer

Using the template from its accompanying poster I designed this flyer to give some background information to the reader before directing them to a website. The information on the flyer is not from the website but the website is a great source for information about modern day issues regarding diamonds and ethics.
The flyer follows that same colour scheme and uses franchise font like the posters, as well as the black to white fade which I believe gives some depth to the image as well as a good tactile quality when printed.

I had prepared a large amount of text myself for this flyer and it was a challenge to fit it all on in an appetising way for the reader. It basically outlines how a rich diamond trade is being used by Mugabe's regime to fund a brutal dictatorship. The colours red and black are used again to symbolise death and blood, which is quite horrible but fitting I think. The body copy was also changed from black to grey to tone down two otherwise over-bearing paragraphs. The use of the brackets draws the reader down the page hopefully and gives some frame for the text which looked like a daunting read on its own.

The other side of the flyer is mostly a map of all the recorded murders carried out by government troops during the 2008 election period, including the wife of the opposition's leader who was brutally murdered by the police when the MDC gained some support. To tie the poster back to diamond mining; while the map depicts around 160 cases of murder, around 200 people were killed on the diamond fields just to evict them from the land. This is stated in a massive bubble at the top of the leaflet, again coloured red. In the top right I had enough room to fit some other cases of human rights abuses, the only valuable data I could find for this was in a study done between 2001-2006 so although it is older information I think is still a poignant set of statistics. The style of the design here remains as a series with the poster, however I was asked why the death spots were not shaped like diamonds, which would reflect on the poster further... The reasoning is that the image maps out election violence and is not directly linked to diamonds. However it speaks volumes about the level of brutal corruption in Zimbabwe which is supported in part by their diamond mines.

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