Tuesday 7 February 2012

100 Things// Printed Flyers

 I finally got all of my flyers printed out properly, just in time for module submission tomorrow! I printed all 5 of them on the same stock: Antique White. After some initial confusion with the layout of the designs on the screen the final products matched up pretty well. The stock gave a nice finish although it does tend to bleed a bit, but that was expected.
The front side of the De Beers flyer. There was some cropping issue at the top of this flyer. This is because the alignment was all out due to the librarys paper being cut too small.

This side of the flyer came out much better than expected also, I thought that some of the fading towards the edges would not be reproducible on the printers but it ended up working really well.

This came out very similar to the poster, however its on a different stock so is a good example of what the poster would have looked like on antique white.

This side of the flyer is probably my favourite product, in terms of the information, layout and colours used. What I have realised now that I didn't before was how bold the black numbers at the bottom are in comparison to the rest of the flyer. Perhaps if i has some at the top of the flayer to even it out it would have been a good idea.

This flyer is looking pretty minimal compared to the other products. Its slightly less packed on this side but I hope it will speak to the type of audience that will take the time to read the text on the back...
This side just looks like a page from a book. There is not really much to comment on in terms of the design other than the text printed very clear and the whole design is slightly off centre because of print issues.

I had high hopes for this design but it did not really come together as I had planned in the end.There is a hell of a lot of text and I can understand why some people said that they did not know where to start of look. This is an issue that I had again and again when designing the flyers; so much information and so little space.

The other side of the flyer came out a little better but im still not entirely happy with the overall result, something I cannot quite pinpoint, but I think it has sometyhing to do with the way that the colours sit on the page, or the very large kern on the type at the bottom?

Again the front of this flyer is very similar to the poster, printed on the same stock too. I think it works ok but now its printed I look at it and feel that more space needs to be filled.

The back of this flyer suffered from alignment issues, this is most noticeable on the right where a bracket for the 'Find Diamonds' text is cut off. It is lucky that I added a huge bleed area for this side of the flyer or lots of white paper would be visible on the left hand side.

Overall the flyers came out pretty good, they all have a good suitable stock and have printed fairly well. There were some issues with alignment but none major. If I was going to shange something i would have added more bleed to all of the flyers and also probably seen if I could have made them a bit smaller.

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