Thursday 23 February 2012


Final poster for the crit tomorrow; This idea is very simple but as I developed it I added some nice subtle hidden imagery and text which I think brings something extra to the illustration, which in retrospect, would have little good qualities without. I use the phrase 'Rain on" with delivers a simple message very quickly. For some it also evokes the memory of soppy love songs, but I don't know much about that. When I hear the phrase in my head it is said like a west coast surfer.

 I started this poster with a vector of a splash. Although at the end of the day I used this as a guideline I messed about with this for ages trying to get it look more professional, but it will always look like a poor live trace so I chose to paint and pencil over it.

 Here is a transition between the basic outline I drew of the droplet and a solid black stamp of the droplet. I added some extra drops in the centre to give the view some more visual clues as to whats going on. I also realise here that the splash looks like a crown, which could be tied into the British angle of the brief.
 I realised that an upside down image of the British Isles looks like a great reflection in water. Here I also started the very long process of coloring the work, The outline is a light grey and the colouration gets lighter into the image. The colours look very creamy and I think that some of the 'wateriness' could be lost in this...
 Here I tried to add some surface to the splash by adding rings around the base where the water would be. The reflection is coloured by a different method (with pencil tool) which gives it a more shimmering surface aesthetic.

 I tested adding text to the splashes wall. Here I used Clarendon in uppercase to see if the text would fit...
 With the pencil tool I added some shimmering text to the splash based on the font above.

Here I added some more text to the bottom of the poster. I'm not 100% sure this is really needed, But it does tie the poster so a conclusion. Because its hard to see Britain at first I hope this doesn't just confuse the viewer. The poster needs something extra at the moment, maybe I could make the rain look more like a crown or take away the text so the image is dead centre...

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