Friday 3 February 2012

100 Things// Sierra Leone Flyer

This brown and grey flyer also ties itself directly to one of the posters. And some of the design on the front is a re-sized copy from the poster. The aim of this flyer was to fill in the reader with some basic information about the unbalance and injustice between the man who mines diamonds at one end of the scale and the man who buys the diamonds at the other. This starts with the image from the poster of the 'timeline' detailing a rough diamond transforming into a cut and polished diamond and the lives that this object is or had been tied too. The front also takes the reader to another context, the quote reveals that the head of the diamond industry standard price list knows that diamonds are essentially worthless, implying that they are overvalued and unethically mined.

The front of the flyer is pretty basic and my main aim was to make sure it could associate itself with its poster, by using the same image and adding a damming quote to fill some space. The typeface I used here is called Carton and comes from LostType.

The back of the flyer is all text. It is all in various weights and sheer settings of the Steelfish font family. Its aim is to draw readers to a website by creating intrigue in the subject. I hope people will read this and not quite believe it is true, Before heading to the website to find out more. I definitely couldn't believe much of what my extensive research was dragging up, one of the major challenges I have found was how to get all of this information down into bite-size chunks for flyers and posters that would capture the imaginations of the public. So despite the simple message the flyer delivers the weight of the text comes from the research that backs it up. This is evident in some of the other flyers I am currently designing but I needed to tie the whole collection to something with encompass everything; was the only choice I could find that really collated all of what I have been saying here and provided essays, forums, pages of statistics for its viewers that can back me up. I was very lucky to stumble across it even after all the research I have done because it gave me a good 'client' and also some context for the audience.

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