Thursday 13 December 2012

LEGO RESPONSIVE// Building Poster

 I have applied the same principles from the Bus Ad to the poster, here however I have swapped out the maths sequence for the instruction manual idea I had planned.
 For the poster to look like a Lego instruction manual I had to divide each part of the sequence into its own individual area, I used this thick black line because this is the style that parents are most likely to remember from the 60's and 70's. The Danish Modernist design aesthetic has also carried over from the bus ad, here a good amount of white space can be used to balance out the colours and shapes.

Whilst on the subject of colour it is important to note that I have colour matched the design to Lego's own brand guidelines, which was sent out as part of a project pack:

Corporate Red: C0 M100 Y100 K0 Pantone: 486C
Corporate Yellow: C0 M15 Y100 K0 Pantone: 109C
Corporate Black: C0 M0 Y0 K100 Pantone: Black

On this poster I have chosen to add numbers so that the viewer can follow the progression from Lego -> happiness. 

 Here the maths based sequence has returned. I was criticised for this in a recent crit so below is my revised layout with the tag-line in a new and more clear format. Reducing the size of the numbers has also allowed for a more balanced design and and increase in the size of the bricks has allowed them to be more visible to passers by on foot or people driving past at speed. The colours are also typical Lego colours which should really bolster the brand Identity contained in the poster.

 Here is the revised design following the Crit. I have added numbers to the tagline, this means that each section of the poster has been assigned a word. Section 1 represents the Quality of Lego for example.I think the posters are starting to work well stylistic modern-retro designs. The solid colours and black lines add a lot of power to an overall, very simple design, however there is a lot of hidden meaning and symbolism here now.

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