Wednesday 12 December 2012


 Following on from progress I have made with my idea I have put together these simple Bus Ads. They tell a very simple story, that by buying Lego the people who receive it will be happy. At the same time I hope that parents will recognise the simple maths and could even see it as Lego being an informative and intellectually superior toy for young children.
 The first thing I have changed here is the size of the + and = glyphs in the sequence. The illustrations really are a marked improvement over the photo version before.

Here I have squashed the size of the sequence down to fit in Lego's branding and a small idea for a tag-line. 'Quality, Creativity, Fun' are three words that I think sum up the Lego experience, even as a small child I remember knowing that Lego was a superior toy brand, the build quality is better than competitors, the fun you can have building and creating at that age is endless and I remember having fun for hours on hours. This is the sort of thing that I want parents to remember from there childhoods when they see these adverts.
Some things I changed on this final image include fixing the line width on the heads and changing the shading on the brick from my stylised version to something more like the real instruction manual Lego brick, with no shading on the sides and black shading on the notches.

I will leave this banner for now and return after I have explored a few more layouts of this idea, primarily the bus shelter poster. This will push the overall design forward and change it for the better.

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