Tuesday 11 December 2012

WEB AND PRINT// ISTD/ Fakery and Evolution Progress Crit Feedback

Feedback from a progress crit of work completed so far for the ISTD Fakery brief.

Positive Feedback
-Great Name 'Type/Face'.
-Colour Scheme works.
-Comical idea of linking typefaces to people.
-Could look like periodic table. There is something in this!
-Really strong simple concept, tightened brief well.
-Simple colour usage works well.
-The layout of the typeface boxes looks simple, which goes well with overall aesthetic.

Areas For Improvement
-Consider making it very clear to the audience exactly what typeface is linked to which celeb.
-Where are the print elements.
-What is the original brief/ rewriten brief.
-How could you make the purpose more valid.
-Prefer the layout without the bar down the middle.

-Who is the audience? Typographic/ design students or could it be broader?
-What are the uses of the website? Is is solely for humour?
-Consider layout. Consider colour limitations and usage to make sure different aspects stand out more.
-Consider choice of typeface for header, we have circled our favourites.
-Moving forward you need to start thinking about print more...
-We prefer the design without the bar in the middle. Like the gothic typeface.
-Consider distribution, creating other formats.
-Print would work well, reveal/conseal, playing cards would work well.

Having read my feedback the main point is 'who is your audience?'. This is something I really need to work on. At the moment the answer is basically 'our group'. I have designed the content of my website to be interesting fr design and typography students. Its also supost to be a bit of a laugh. As the brief is also for the ISTD I thought they might also appreciate it, as long as I dont make any glaring errors. I am happy that the general consensus is that it is a strong idea, as they people that are critiquing me are also my target audience, this sort of solves the first question about who the audience is exactly and if they will like the concept...
I do need to work on the header, this is an issue I am aware of. As it stands I have opted for pure text, either a blackletter or egyptian serif font. In the future I hope this will develop into a more stylised header, which still remains respectful to the subject.
Another main concern, or area I must focus on now, is what I wish to do for print. So far I want to focus on a game that could be played by design students. The aim is to have a funny line game where you link up fonts to characters and score yourself. This should also point the user to the website to increase traffic.

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