Tuesday 4 December 2012

WEB AND PRINT// ISTD Briefs Workshop

Choosing one from the three briefs that interest me we started a workshop aimed at helping us become more focused. I chose the 'Fakery Brief'. Its is very open to interpretation so needed cutting down to a solid idea that I can run with.

5 Problems I want to solve and Why?
1. How can I include a typographical element? Typography may not be central to my idea, but the brief demands a typographic focus.
2. The brief is way to open and needs to be locked down. Lots of things are fake, the brief could literally be about anything, what sort of fake interests me?
3.Who is the target market? This is not defined in the brief, so may slip into a secondary consideration for me, which would be bad.
4. How can I produce both a book and website? How will this effect the topic I choose? I will have to find an aspect of fakery which works across media.
5. How much time do I have to work on my proposals? Can it be done in time? What are my commitments? Can the product I want to create even be done.
6. How far can I go with my views? Will it be considered controversial? Is it worth voicing my opinions?

5 Facts about Fakery in context.
1. Fakery is found in the natural world.
2. Even an unnatural fake, like receiving botox, is the result of natural phycological factors.
3. Fakery in human life is a result of a lack of something; Expensive things, interesting life, good looks)
4. It is an incredibly borad subject.
5. In relation to copying, can anyone avoid fakery/ ever be original?

5 Facts about Audience
1. The ISTD has no idea who the audience is.
2. I want some of my audience to also be the people I attack in some strange way.
3. My audience will be interested in type and perplexed by the idea of celebrity.
4. Those who dislike popular culture.
5. I dont know who they are yet.

5 Ideas I want to Communicate
1. That fakery is interesting.
2. That fakery can save and destroy.
3. That fakery evolves over time.
4. That fakery can be exposed with knowledge.
5. That natural fakery and evolution can be celebrated.

5 Resolutions
1. Two page interactive game website where you roll over faces of people before and after plastic surgery revealing the after photo underneath. This is merged with typography and natural evolutionary examples of fakery in nature, like the chameleon.
2. Same idea as No.1 but the face is linked to a specific typeface and you link them up in pairs.
3. Same idea as No.2 but it is a print based puzzle game where you draw connecting lines or make a puzzle.
4. A timeline of typefaces as they evolved from previous ones. Does this make it a fake or evolution?
5. Is post modernism fakery or evolution of design?

5 Ways to get pople in interact
1. Distributed as protest piece outside plastic surgeries.
2. Link to site on meia sites and posters and flyers.
3. Poster will be interactive line game.
4. Website will also be game that will unlock facts and information as you play through.
5. In seeing the active change between before and after, both in human and typeface, the user should be more convinced of the differences.

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