Wednesday 5 December 2012

WEB AND PRINT// ISTD Concept Crit Feedback

Today we crited my re-written brief with the help of the images I documented in design context. First Tom took my brief and wrote some notes on it explaining how I could improve. He wrote that I could consider that its about exposing similarities and differences. He also thought that by aiming it at celebrity face lifts I could reach a larger audience and that the tone of voice could include 'bold and confident' as well as 'funny'. Tom also raised the question if I should design the website and print based response in the same style. The answer is yes, that is what I want to achieve, the poster and website will both be puzzle based and follow a brand-like identity...
We then did a quick presentation and received feedback:

- The images you have chosen are fun
- Who is your audience?
- There would need to be some info on the site because it could get confusing.
- Interesting idea
- Needs more exploration to make idea more clear.
- The website would be fun to play with.
- Well planned and researched, what is the exact purpose?
- Really interesting way to mix type and fakery.
- What would make people go to see this?
- What am I learning by going to this?
- Is it purely for entertainment?
- Be more focused with the message.
- Needs to be like a game (it will be like a game, I dont know where this came from)

Given the feedback it is clear that I need to focus down and work out some more direct way of expressing this. I think that for now I will just use the imagery of celebrities and typography, and call the website Type/ Faces of something. It will feature more respectable actors/ musicians who have matured well with age (Tom Hanks/ George Clooney) juxtaposed with typefaces which have matured well. On the other side actors/ musicians who have not come along so good (like MJ) juxtaposed onto typeface equivalents like comic sans. This should lock down the brief and give it more focus, It will appeal to more people and be more comical for the audience. 

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