Wednesday 5 December 2012

WEB AND PRINT// ISTD Workshop 2/ Fakery

Given out feedback from the crit earlier today (last post) we ran another workshop:

5 Things I don't know about...
-What other hidden images I could use.
-How the website will work technically.
-How I can publicise the website.
-Who is my real audience?
-A full list of typefaces and celebrity faces.

5 Ways Audience will Interact with Brief
-Find flyer around college/ in studio/ café's/ local area
-Visit website of the back of finding flyer.
-Play interactive game about typefaces and celebrity faces.
-Tell friends about awesome/ funny website!
-Shared through social networking.

5 Problems and How to Solve Them
-What typefaces should I use? - Get down to some reasearch and history of type books.
-What celebrities should I use? - Get onto the internet and learn about them.
-Should I ditch the science factor and go all out on the celebrity front? -Probably, it will cut down on confusion, make the concept more consice.
-How can I get my website out there? Flyers and online networking, eventually hope it will get shared to death with good design and appreciation of type.
-Will it be taken seriously? - Probably not. The concept of a celebrity can be fairly obtuse and tacky. However using more deserved celebrities instead of 'celebrities' should skirt some of this. I still worry that the idea could come across as shallow and offensive...

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