Friday 7 December 2012


The Fakery brief has lead me to build a website concept where the history of various famous individuals is linked to the history of a typeface. This will involve a massive amount of research where I have to come up with around 20 connections. I have started this process by generating some visual content, mostly to mess around and see what sort of style I could go in for.
 This face split visual is something that I could work with, it allows the viewer to see immediately the young and old character or the different personalities that the people possess. I found out that Charlie Chaplin used to sleep rough (for a short time) and had a fairly turbulent past, with an outstanding career later in life. The idea here would be to find a typeface with a similar story and link it to him. 
 Bill Crosby was a class clown, turned professional comedian and now he speaks out against what he sees as an underachieving black teens.

 Obama has some radical ideas (for an American) but he never really went through with them, for this example I would like to use helvetica as a radical typeface which ended up selling out to big business (in a way).

 Here is a mock up of how the website could work. It would have the list of the younger versions down one side and the list of older down the other. If you roll over the images they will switch to the typeface version. Information on both famous and typeface will be displayed as text next to the images. A bar will separate the two sides so readers don't find the text too muddled.
 Another idea is to have the information pop up as a light-box script when you click on one of the images. This could work alongside the first idea or do away with all of the text on the page completely.

 I have also mocked up some poster ideas for the brief. These will incorporate aspects of the website but visualised in a different way. The Initial idea of having two faces of the same person back to back is staying, overlaying the faces I have added a letter in the font that is associated with the face. Here i have added Hugh Laurie with Baskerville and Bodoni. Baskerville as the younger version of Hugh, a classical typeface, and Bodoni for the older 'House' character, still classically trained but in a more modern role.
Michael Jackson is associated to early Batman Comics and Comic Sans. When Jackson was young he was cool, like batman comics. When he was older he was a creepy parody of himself, like comic sans.
Like I explained above, Obama, sold out just like Helvetica,

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