Tuesday 13 March 2012

STAMP IT// Sketches

Having started a new brief about postage stamps I have been sketching up some basic ideas I could use.
This is my first design sheet and I found it pretty challenging. I suppose I feel pretty disillusioned by the concept of eco friendly stamps. Basically because of the massive double standard involved. The royal mail operates a massive fleet of vans, trucks, trains and planes and although I have no problem with this at face value I feel that the idea that they would want to print eco friendly stamps to tell people that they should take up a more environmentally friendly lifestyle incredibly hypocritical given the wasteful nature of the mostly outdated service they provide

 Anyway, moving on with the brief!

This is my favorite idea at the moment, it incorporates the energy efficient light bulb with the popular imagery of a light bulb representing a new or clever idea, popularised by cartoons.

I mixed the light-bulb with two separate words 'bright' and 'idea' to see if it could work or if it would look lame.

This would be a more simplifed version of the stamps, I have to think about what can fit in the dimensions I am given so this layout may be more suitable. Below I have thought about what people would do to change there lifestyle.

This idea would basically be a celebration of science I suppose. It would be a mock happy birthday to planet earth. The booklet will have some information about preservation and about the planets history.  Hopefully this would spark some interest in stamp collectors as the brief dictates. 

Maps are an idea I am interested in too. I feel that visually they would be fairly interesting and could pack a strong message. The major issue I might have here would be with space. The maps will have to be pretty detailed so it will be a real design challenge to fit that information on a page.

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