Tuesday 6 December 2011

HOW TO// Designs for Styles and Settings

So we have split up the design between us and one of my tasks is to design a page of ring styles. This will have to be a very regulated process because it has to follow the design principles of the rest of the team. We are planning on using white on black text and imagery. very simple but bold design.
I basically split the poster into three columns, classic, modern and vintage. I also wrote some clear and lighthearted information got the buyer to follow when looking for the styles and choosing them. For this design I adopted this style the rest of the group has been using to create something which will really flow with the other designs. I spent quite some time designing simple imagery for the rings that made sense. I found that the Modern style was the hardest to get across and that it really needed the text to verify the image.

Again using the same style I designed another page for the app/ website and booklet. This one lists the settings. This page took some research and analysis to understand. It especially made me think when I had to decide how I could communicate the different settings in an easy way. Designing the images was fun because it was challenging. Each one has been refined from several versions until it was clear and aesthetically pleasing!

My concern with both of the designs is that the use of Bebas Neue as the body copy is a wrong decision, the font is too big and the uppercase is very hard to read in flowing text without imagining its being shouted at you. Although this was the plan when they were made, when the designs were copied into the app the font was changed to Helvetica by Sam. This made the text much easier to read.

I will update this post with more images of development asap.

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