Wednesday 20 February 2013

OLLIE FP RESPONSIVE// Submission and Evaluation

In the end I designed a poster, manifesto and FB banners for Ollie. My response to this brief was very quick, I had only a few nights night to design this stuff so Ollie could go out the next day and post them up around Uni. I have aimed to make the design seem almost American, as most students are more aware of American political campaigns. The blue is an aim to look friendly and open to ideas but the type is bold and heavy, a signifier or decision making ability and personality. Main campaign points are made a bold as possible and I have re-written the manifesto slightly to fit in quotes. I have been slightly populist with this project and really went for something that I think students would want to see rather than something that looks good to me personally. As it stands I could imagine seeing this design all over a student bar but never really thinking it was that great as a piece of design. At the end of the day however is there to persuade people to vote for Ollie and the only thing that is going to do that is if people agree with his opinions, which I have clearly outlined. I had quite a few problems with the image of Ollie too. The photos he was taking of himself were pretty poor quality, even with a large amount of photoshopping. This is something I would change if I took a project like this on again, I would take the photos myself, on an SLR. Another issue which I have learnt a great deal about from this project is that of design ownership; a week or so after I gave Ollie my designs he had re-written part of his manifesto and instead of getting me to add it in he did it himself with word art. This was then posted up on the internet with my logo over the top. The unfortunate thing is that most people knew that I was making the posters but saw what Ollie had made with my logo instead. In summary I am happy that the function of these posters works however the form is not to my personal taste.

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