Saturday 3 November 2012

WEB DESIGN// Introduction and Scamps

As part of our introduction to web design we made some scamps to get used to how they should be laid out and presented. We then did a quick crit for opinion. My design was based on three huge triangular buttons which allowed the user to scan the page diagonally. The website was fairly cut back and I was unsure that I had enough content, also I feel now that the site needs a menu bar, for much easier navigation. I'm also aware that the contact details are already displayed and there might not been need for a contact page.

Positive Feedback:
- The reason for the layout is smart. Follow pattern of scanning.
- Contact details are clear.
-  Different and attention drawing

Areas for improvement:
- The triangles are confsing
- Might not see the images
- Will be a technical challenge
- Duplication of contact details

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