Saturday 17 November 2012

DESIGN FOR PRINT// Print Book Master Page

I have set up this master page to use as a template of every page in the book (with the exception of the cover). The 'A' denotes where the page number will be and I have a generic paper stock title down in the bottom left.  The four colour swatch also features here to guide the user as to which stock they would like to use. A large portion of the left part of each page is left blank, this is bleed for the binding which will be screw bound with a nut and bolt.

Here is the template in use. The basic principle is the two columns cutting the text. The large title sits in the upper quarter of the page for clarity and the text (century schoolbook) fills the mid section. The second paragraph will be knocked down the chop up the page and give the book more readability and make sure it doesn't just look like a wall of text.

This is my contents page as things stand. I hope with all of the chapters divided up to complete around 66 pages. This number could be reduced however as the design progresses, especially if I find a more efficient way to display the diagrams and accompanying text on the same page.

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