Sunday 18 November 2012

DESIGN FOR PRINT// Print Book Progress 1

The print book is coming on nicely, its around 23 pages long at the moment so I have included some parts in this post but not all to stop my blog from turning into a scrap book.

This is the current contents page which will shortly be amended as many of the chapters have already changed massively, content-wise.

This is an example of a sub-contents page, which will sit at the start of the chapter and give the reader a more informative list of the contents. This is the first chapter of the book and that appears within.

This is an example of a page which features a list. The list is of different weights of paper. This will hopefully tie in nicely with the weights that are used in the actual printed product as an immediate reference. Because of severe space limitations the titles of each list entry are italicised allowing much more information on the page. 

The same sort of technique is used in this different style of list. This list runs over five pages so each entry has one column each. I used the books signature paragraph shift to make sure the page doesn't appear top heavy or overpowering. The text is split like this to ensure attention is kept and to balance the page nicely. 
The theme continues for every part of the book which features a list in this style. I have also not included illustrations here because the style of them 9think black lines) would not befit this topic.

This is the contents page for the second paragraph about colour.

Here, as with most pages with images on, the illustration fills one whole column of the page. This will allow the image to be a reasonable size for the viewer and also leaves another column for text.

Here is a newer tints page, illustrating how tints work. Here the image and text are level due to the size of the paragraph and image. Also if the image was knocked down it could conflict with the template swatch.

For the first time in the book here I have used someone else's image to illustrate the use of spot colours in context. Here a magenta nike tick is used over an image. Also due to the amount of infomration that needs to fit the text wraps around the image and fills both columns.

The page about Pantone uses a similar layout.

Here is the contents page for the largely unfinished Printing chapter, however as I have already posted the diagrams it will not take long to piece together. 

And finally the contents page for the Production chapter as it stands. It appears that the estimation for 66 pages was too high and it is more likely to be around 45.

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