Wednesday 21 November 2012

DESIGN FOR PRINT// Final Crit Feedback

Positive feedback:
-Simple Diagrams
-Layout is refreshing
-Good use of colour
-Diagrams are interesting, especially the half-tone one
-Great Illustrations
-Easy to read and easy to navigate
-Explanation of binding is good
-Good typeface used of headers, modern, fits with title page
-Like the different stocks used
-Liked the target audience of students, will be usfull for them
-Named and reference stocks will be very usful too.
-Diamgrams are easy to understand especially for audience.
-CMYK bit clever+useful- particularly for students
-Layout is strong and simple

Improvement feedback:
-Body copy typeface is no sans serif like header, could work better if it was modern
-Page numbers too big, should be next to CMYK swatches. Too big and draws attention away
-More definition between titles and main text so that they stand out more
-Imagery should always fall on the left, with type on the right.
-Page numbers too big
-Type on cover would look better if it was straight, looks scruffy
-Layout on the 'about the book' page looks like there is some missing content.
-A series has some missing content.
-Are the CMY lines needed, might detract from the header
-How will stock effect colour prints, on heavier stocks?
-Layout should be more consistent maybe the one at the moment could be used but with less space.

Overall some good feedback, I do think I could reconsider the layout, perhaps shift the image and type design from alternating to a more solid format. I do think that the front page could be redesigned from scratch, because I haven't really experimented here yet. I'm very happy that people considered the stock and CMYK features to be useful, this was the main focus of the book from the beginning, so its great that people will find the feature useful.
I would counter the claim that there is too much white space. On printing, the content could be on any range of coloured or white stock, this will really add an extra dynamic to the book that cant really be seen here, but there will be much less white space!
Also the complaint of the headers not being clear enough is mental. The headers are huge. If anything they are too clear and should be reduced in size.

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