Wednesday 10 October 2012


RBG colour mode is the colour mode for working on screen based projects.

When transferring an image you are editing to a print based project you have to convert this colour mode to CMYK. (Unless you spot print)

Click in Image/ Mode/ CMYK to change this setting. 

In the CMYK colour setting some of the filters will not be available.

It is important not to choose colours which conflict with CMYK gamut.

Select View/ Gamut Warning to see which colours will not print.

Image/ Adjustment/ Hue and Saturation. Use to fix this issue.

Also try adjusting the Levels.

You can also use View/ Proof Colours, this will simulate CMYK on an RGB image.

However you can still go out of the printable range in this mode.

For creating work directly in Photoshop you can use the swatches to pick CMYK colours.

Holding down alt and clicking on swatches will delete them from the palate.

You can save swatches and use them in the same way as Illustrator. 


Go to Image/ Mode/ Duotone to select which colours you would like your image to be made up of.

Use the curves to alter the tone and contrast between the colours.

Use the channels menu to alter the individual colours that will be used in printing.

Using these 'Spot Channels'  yow can easily select the correct negatives for screen-printing.

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