Tuesday 9 October 2012

PACKAGING// Nets Feedback

Feedback from the Packaging task, which focuses on the production of successful nets for packaging.

- Works as a set
- Interesting nets
- Durable nets
- Experimental nets
- Good Colours

- Should have been more adventurous
- On some nets the type is illegible
- Consider spacing for additional information
- Stock variation
- Put more effort into the logo

The structure of this crit resulted in me receiving fairly short and to the point responses. We used post-it-notes so the responses had to be like this. This resulted in many points of positive feedback and also criticism but very little explanation for the views expressed. For example I wonder how I could have put more effort into the logo, given that the logo was an exact copy of the Yellow Card logo? What made the nets interesting?And how I could have improved the stock variation?
Saying this I am aware that on some nets the type was illegible. This was a result of poor planning, which stemmed from not properly testing the nets before producing the final copies. All in all the exercise has been extremely useful in making me aware of the perils of making nets for packaging, in the future planning the construction as well as the design will be integral to a successful product.

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