Tuesday 9 October 2012

A HISTORY OF... // Why I Chose Gaming!

1. I have played and enjoyed computer games for most of my life. From a very young age the technology and entertainment involved in computer gaming has captured my attention and imagination.

2. The industry is booming. Computer gaming is currently the largest entertainment sector, producing way more money than the film or music industries. Despite this many of the industries leading companies are minor start-up operations with people like Notch outselling many of the leading studios like EA simply by being more creative.

3. With the emergence of these minor studios 1000's of potential clients for graphic designers have appeared. By their very nature these studios strive to be different so they don't have to battle with the major labels, as a result they call for fresh branding and interface, an area I am very interested in.

4. There is a whole world of graphic design in the games industry. Literally. 'In-games' graphic design is created to make a virtual world appear more life like and can range to almost all aspects of real life graphic design. Other example appears in the user interface helping the user navigate through menus and features. 

5. Related to the previous point 'real world' graphic design for the games industry covers many aspects also. From Box design to special promotional packs, Show design, web design, packaging, manuals, etc.

6. The gaming industry is a creative industry and I thought it would be interesting to work with other creatives who don't necessary have the same skills but do understand the creative process.

7. The technological aspect of the games industry relates to my interest in science and technology. The games industry is pushed by development in technology and visa versa, I'm interesting in how the two interact.

8. Computer games often contain aspects, stories, dialogue that involve social or political issues that I take interest in. For example GTA4 covers aspects of the rich poor divide in New York City and by extension America and the western world as a whole. More direct games like 'The Political Machine 2012' cover the presidential elections in a satirical humour.

9. The industry is constantly changing and evolving, reflecting current trends and fashions, i've played computer games long enough to understand a lot of these.

10. Computer games encompass every form of art into one media. A high end game will contain artwork, acting, storytelling, music, visuals, graphics, animation, comedy, photography and film.

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