Tuesday 27 March 2012

WHAT IS A LINE?// El Capitan Design Styles

Ive just been experimenting with some styles I could use for the current brief. I want to develop a style that represents a mixture between Mexican and North American design.

This first idea harks to the design of an American muscle car. They had some interesting typography and transfer design down the side of them so I thought that I could translate this here. Although I initially like this design I feel that it does not suit the brief. It has some tacky American type but doesn't really speak of climbing or Yosemite. However I would like to develop this idea further sometime, perhaps for another brief.

The next idea looks a bit too constructivist for this brief by I knocked it up quickly to see what it could look like. I think I could probably transfer this idea into the design context publication for some of the constructivism puzzles.

This is my favorite design so far, it incorporates an image of El Capitan with some tall American Type over the top. The biggest problem I have here is that the design is near-identical to the example design for the font on losttype.com.

So i changes the colours a bit. I will do some more experiments to see which looks the best but at the moment my favorite by a long way is the steely dark blue of the first image.

I also used the image and put it behind the constructivist style design. It transforms the overall design and makes it look like a much more modern conceptual design. I like how it is confusing to work out of the design is white lines over an image or the image is in strips over a black background. Perhaps i could also add another image in there of a climber to cover the white space.

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