Thursday 15 March 2012

STAMP IT// Earths Birthday Idea

 My third idea for this stamps brief is much more tongue in cheek and casual. It would be a series of stamps aimed at the celebration of the earths age. At 4,600,000,000 years old the planet has been through many massive changes in its lifetime and a description in the booklet could have a little bit of history mixed with some scientific predictions and theories regarding the future. But the stamps themselves will have a pretty silly appearance...

Again I spent some time designing the very basic template and then produced several variations of the work to create a basic idea of how this should look. The white circle in the black is suppose to represent the Moon circling Earth but that is not initially recognisable.

Firstly in a classical serif font, this would imply some age and also set a more intellectual or scientific tone on the work.

This modernist typeface, I think its motor oil, sets a tone that the modernists would have liked. One of forwards thinking. Clean likes work will on the simple shape of the planet too. I wouldn't pick this one because it looks too similar to everything else.

This font has a very high x-height and its sheer gives a very futuristic feel. Sort of like an old sci-fi or space film. This suits the tone of the message but not the tone of the medium. However the brief wanted a new and different generation to get involved so perhaps this is a good thing.

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