Sunday 18 March 2012

STAMP IT// Map Stamps

 I have decided to continue with the maps idea. This is because I feel that it is a serious topic which can be interesting as well as visually beautiful. I also like the idea of producing a series of very simplified colour coded maps. My plan is to find four things to map out, at the moment this is; ozone depletion, air pollution, amazon destruction and ice cap melt.
All of these topics are fairly depressing really but I wouldn't like to make light of the situation in any way and I think that at the end of the day these stamps will be a good collectors item like the brief requires.

 Firstly I have shifted the stamps from portrait to landscape. In this layout I have room to add text and the queens head next to the map without too much conflict. I have decided also that the blue colour will also best suit this design, its a rich and deep blue which sits well against the white. I also decided to use Gill Sans for the text because of its British heritage and also because of its symmetrical balance which fits nicely within the dimensions of the stamp.

 I also worked on some different versions of the queens head. I'm pretty sure that the queen has to be the highest object on the stamp so by making her slightly bigger on the design the rules are kept and the design stays in balance.

I messed about with some very minor changes to the design to see which one fits best and also tested some more colours on the designs I was happy with. This yellow is really rich but the different colour stages are less noticeable.

I added some text to the designs here. I used the saying 'Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. I chose this because it is nationally recognised and gives some context for displaying the maps. The maps reinforce the sentiment of the slogan with some nice visuals.

Just playing around with the style of the text, these versions are much more clear but they are still pretty plain looking here, I want to add more style to these designs.

Here I added some perspective to the design in the form of a choppy mountain range style footer. The rest of the design sits on top pretty nicely, I like to think that its looks like a view of the earth from the eye of some one standing on the moon...

I have thickened the line of the land to make it stande out more, hopefully people will notice the shape of Antarctica and recognise what is going on in the image. To help I ave also added a small key to the top left. The word 'Hole' sits next to a block of colour which matches the hole on the map.

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