Tuesday 23 April 2013

WHAT IS GOOD?// Logo Concept

I want the UKSA logo to be re-branded as a much more respectful and scientific institution. One that makes it clear that they are pushing progress forwards and have a real importance. I find the current logo to be way to naive and over the top,  patriotic but in a horrible trashy bulldog sort of way.
I started with experimenting with shapes. I thought that this could represent a scientific diversity, by knocking out holes in the shapes I tried to make the letters UKSA. This was not a total failure and I do really like the way the triangle has become and 'A' although some more work could be done to improve the shape. The other letters are too abstract and I will design them from scratch in illustrator.
This is a screen capture of how my UKSA logo came about, what I have tried to do is have one bendy shape followed by a triangle; in the U and the K and then repeat that with the S and the A. I thought that this would allow for some level of symmetry or rhythm in the text based logo, whilst making it pretty good to look at.

I then knocked out a hole in each letter. This was originally only going to be the A however that would unbalance the whole logo so I took a slice out of each. This allows the K to look much more like a K should and does not really effect the U or the S aesthetically. What I liked about the logo at this stage was that it was becoming to look pretty 'space-age' a sort of retro vision of the future that still looks very appropriate today. A have also experimented with the weight of the lettering here although I will probably stick with the original.
I just mocked up up this example of how a letterhead could look with this new logo. The logo could be scaled up of down and create a heirachy on the page. I have also tested out if writing the agencies full name beneath would be suitable for the letterhead. It would be good to assume that with the new branding this sort of confirmation of the name would not be needed.

To go with the text based logo I have designed this simple badge logo. This involves a large body of mass in space trapping another body in its orbit. By incorporating this simple piece of space physics in to the logo design there is no question as to what industry the UKSA operates in. The logo os very visually recognisable and really fits with the text logo at its centre.

This is a mock up of how the front cover for the identity guide could look. I have decided that the large circular logo should be the UKSA primary logo and the smaller text based logo can be used for secondary purposes or wherever the circular logo is not suitable. Having these two logos that are largely the same will allow them to be applied to a huge range of products and real world applications.

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