Monday 20 May 2013

THE WALL// Final Poster Image and Evaluation

The Wall

The wall was an interesting and very short brief for me as I turned this around in one afternoon and morning. I was fairly surprised that it was so well received because of this, saying that it was great that people liked it. Personally its charm has mostly worn off on me how, I do like the concept and the final product, but I dont really know what to think of it now. In a way I feel that although it looks cool the first time you see it I wish I had spent a bit more time developing the idea so that it works like that every time you look at it. I know that if I had given this a bit more consideration it could have been better. Also to get all the text and shapes to work like that was very technically challenging, really really hard to understand and design, I wish that this was more evident in the design because it looks like I've just stuck coloured card down behind the front sheet rather than designing the maze that is actually back there. One thing I really do like is the stencil version of Edmondsans that I had to create to make sure counters weren't punched out by the lasercutter, it looks pretty space age, perhaps something I could have used in the UKSA brief.

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