Thursday 3 May 2012

YOUR CHOICE// The Blues Brothers 1980's

 My 80's film is the blues brothers and the quote sort of has to be "we're on a mission from god" as it is repeated many times during the film as a saying. 

 I decided to sketch this replica of the Bluesmobile. It is the exact same model of the Dodge Monaco that they use in the film and is the best angle/ resolution photo I could find to really trace out the detail of the car.

 I really like how the car looks traced, however I have the problem that the most distinctive thing about the Bluesmobile is that its an old police car and needs to be coloured accordingly.

 The issue is that this means that I wont be able to follow the same rules as the first two posters, with grill, windows and tires black, because the detail will be lost with too much of the same colour washing out the lines. Here I have experimented with how the car could be coloured. Top left is how it should be if I follow the rules but this car doesn't look like the Bluesmobile.

 I settled with a work around, and started to experiment with text and some colour. I want the orange to be like a beam of light from the headlamps, lighting up the quote.The text here is pretty shoddy, im just experimenting.

 Here I tried to get the text to look like the headlamps were shining on it. I also tried out several different angles that the beams could sit at so see which would be the best to fit text into.

 Here I used a font based on US licence plates. The tall skinny nature of the type fits around the image quite well.

 I wanted to add some perspective to the image so added some extra shapes to the design, representing the side of the road.

 In this version I engulfed the text in black to separate it from the main quote. To make it stand out more and to fill space.

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